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Dr. Robert Schoch and Alternative Human History


E.I.R.S. has teamed up with Geologist and University Professor Dr. Robert Schoch in our research efforts of Alternative World History. Our true human history is slowly coming to discovery through the extensive researches of geologists and geophysicists like Robert Schoch. Evidence points to civilizations existing thousands of years beyond what our school books say they do. Here, together with E.I.R.S., Dr. Schoch explains a very important message we both would like to share about what his 20+ years of research has discovered and why it is so important for us to know today.

Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, Its Connection to the Great Sphinx of Egypt, and the End of the Last Ice Age: A Warning for Us Today

Twenty years ago, based on his geological analyses, Dr. Robert Schoch concluded that the oldest portion of the Great Sphinx of Egypt dates back thousands of years earlier than the traditional archaeological attribution of circa 2500 BCE. Egyptologists were outraged, saying such an early date was impossible because there was no evidence of sophisticated culture prior to circa 3500 BCE.

Now there is new and dramatic evidence that supports Dr. Schoch’s original thesis; found in Turkey, it is a site known as Göbekli Tepe. Constructed of magnificently carved 10- to 15-ton stone pillars that are astronomically oriented, the site shows incredible sophistication yet dates back to nearly 10,000 BCE, overturning all our assumptions about the origins of civilization. Furthermore, the site was intentionally buried circa 8,000 BCE, but why? Dr. Schoch’s new theory involves both meteoritic bombardments and plasma outbursts from the Sun, which brought the last ice age to an abrupt end during Göbekli Tepe times. Such events could occur again; we may be overdue.

Dr. Robert Schoch, a full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, earned his Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University. Dr. Schoch has been quoted extensively in the media for his pioneering research on ancient cultures and monuments in such diverse countries as Egypt, Turkey, Bosnia, Romania, Wales, Scotland, Mexico, Peru, Chile (Easter Island), and Japan. Dr. Schoch’s work has been instrumental in spurring renewed attention to the interrelationships between geological and astronomical phenomena, natural catastrophes, and the early history of civilization. Dr. Schoch has appeared on many radio and television shows and is featured in the Emmy-winning documentary The Mystery of the Sphinx which first aired on NBC. He is the author and coauthor of several books, both technical and popular, including Voyages of the Pyramid Builders, Pyramid Quest, and the university textbook Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions.

Article Source: http://www.boldtalks.com/en/speaker/speakers/dr-robert-schoch.html

Below is an explanation of the role that our sun played in the changing of our last ice age by Dr. Robert Schoch taken off of his official website www.robertschoch.com.

Plasma, Solar Outbursts, and the End of the Last Ice Age

15,000 to 11,000 years ago Earth experienced a series of climatic fluctuations. It had been extremely cold, with continental glaciers extending much further than they do today, but the climate started to warm. However, temperatures suddenly reverted back and there was a short cold spell, known as the Younger Dryas, before the final warming and the official end of the last ice age.

heinrich harder rendering of ice age and mastodon

Based on Greenland ice core data, the Younger Dryas began and ended very abruptly. Its start dates to 10,900 B.C., and its ending (the final warming) began circa 9700 B.C. and may have occurred within an incredible three years; given our inability to resolve the finest details of something that happened so long ago, it may have literally happened overnight.

image of solar flare

How do we explain this pattern of abrupt climatic shifts? I once hypothesized that comets were responsible. A comet hitting the land or a shallow ocean, or exploding above the land’s surface, scattering dust and debris into the atmosphere, would cause global cooling. Although the initial strike would happen in a flash, it would take some years for the cooling to reach its full extent. This pattern fits well with the cooling at 10,900 B.C. and there is evidence of a cometary explosion over North America at this time.

picture of a modern sprite

What about the warming event of circa 9700 B.C.? In years past I speculated that comets hitting deep oceans were responsible. A comet might break the thin oceanic crust, releasing heat from the hot magma beneath. Vaporized and displaced water would rain down on Earth, and tsunamis would wash across coastal areas, warming the planet. But even with a comet, or a series of comets, bombarding the oceans, could the warming happen as quickly as the Greenland ice cores indicate? I think not. But if not comets, what?

picture of rongorongotablet and detail

Oddly, the indigenous Easter Island rongorongo script may hold the answer. But first we have to consider the concept of the fourth state of matter–plasma. Plasma consists of electrically charged particles. Familiar plasma phenomena on Earth today include lightning and auroras, the northern and southern lights, and upper atmospheric phenomena known as sprites. In the past, much more powerful plasma events sometimes took place, due to solar outbursts and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the Sun, or possibly emissions from other celestial objects. Powerful plasma phenomena could cause strong electrical discharges to hit Earth, burning and incinerating materials on our planet’s surface. Los Alamos plasma physicist Dr. Anthony L. Peratt and his associates have established that petroglyphs found worldwide record an intense plasma event (or events) in prehistory.

illustration of peratt plasma studies and petroglyphs in comparison to the rongorongo shapes

Plasma and petroglyph illustrations courtesy of Dr. Anthony L. Peratt, used with permission. Source: Anthony L. Peratt, “Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity”, IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] Transactions on Plasma Science, December 2003, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 1192-1214.

Dr. Peratt determined that powerful plasma phenomena observed in the skies would take on characteristic shapes resembling humanoid figures, humans with bird heads, sets of rings or donut shapes, and writhing snakes or serpents–shapes reflected in countless ancient petroglyphs. The Easter Island rongorongo script, recorded on antique wooden tablets, is composed of similar shapes as the petroglyphs. Studying them in detail (inspired by my wife, Catherine Ulissey, who first noticed the connection), I concluded that the Easter Island rongorongo tablets (the surviving tablets are copies of copies of copies . . . .) record a major plasma event in the skies thousands of years ago. This, I believe, was the event that brought a final close to the last ice age.

illustration of peratt plasma studies and petroglyphs in comparison to the rongorongo shapes

Plasma hitting the surface of Earth could heat and fuse rock, incinerate flammable materials, melt ice caps, vaporize shallow bodies of water creating an extended deluge of rain, and send the climate into a warming spell. The release of pressure that follows the melting of thousands-of-meters-thick ice sheets can induce earthquakes and even cause hot rock under pressure to melt and erupt to the surface as volcanoes. The world was in chaos, and this is the event recorded by petroglyphs and the rongorongo texts.

illustration of peratt plasma studies and petroglyphs in comparison to the rongorongo shapes

The plasma event of 9700 B.C. eradicated advanced civilizations and high cultures of the time, and the radiation emanating from the plasma may have affected mental and psychical abilities. This could be the basis for the nearly universal myth of a Golden Age, a time when beings on Earth had mental abilities far surpassing those of later times. The 9700 B.C. event may be the original basis for the Atlantis legends; the timeframe fits well with Plato’s account.

picture of the rongorongo shapes in comparison to the nazca formations

Rongorongo glyphs and Easter Island petroglyph (lower line) in comparison to the Nazca geoglyphs (upper line).

Plasma and electrical discharges hitting the surface of Earth may have been responsible for the vitrification (melting into crude glass) of ancient stone structures seen in some parts of the world, such as various hill forts in Scotland (to the right are some photos showing vitrification at an ancient Scottish hill fort, along with the ground plan of such a fort–the vitrification is shown by the dark shading). People cowered for their lives; they sought shelter in caves, under cliffs, in dwellings built of thick stone or carved into mountainsides. Perhaps Göbekli Tepe was intentionally buried in an attempt to protect it from on-going plasma events, as I suggest in my new book. Humankind was thrown into a dark age for thousands of years, only to reemerge (amidst megalithic monuments belonging to a much earlier period) with scattered memories and nascent abilities.

picture of vitrified rock from the mote of mark

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picture of vitrified fort carradale scotland

Since February 2010 — I have been publicly speaking and writing about the theories presented on this page. I have a new book covering these issues and much more, Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future, available for pre-order from Amazon.com. In the meantime, if you find these ideas interesting, you might want to take a look at three articles I wrote for the Australian magazine New Dawn. (The links below are to PDFs of each article.) They are titled:

“An Ancient Warning, A Global Message, From the End of the Last Ice Age”

“The Mystery of Göbekli Tepe and Its Message to Us”

“Glass Castles & Fire from the Sky: A New Theory of Vitrification”

image of robert schoch examining vitrified rock at the mote of mark

If you care to find out what geology all over the world is telling us, then check out his new book here: http://www.amazon.com/Forgotten-Civilization-Solar-Outbursts-Future/dp/1594774978/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1330118565&sr=8-1

The knowledge and 20+ years of research in it far surpasses the cost.

Below is a video mostly supposed to entice tourism to Turkey, but it has alot of great info with Dr. Schoch and the significance our true world history.

Now here is an hour long interview withDr. Robert Schoch explaining his views and theories of our worlds true history

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Evidences of Alternative Human History


Old tools — and poison — push back Stone Age  20,000 years

New analysis of artifacts from cave in South Africa helps fill gap in human civilization

Courtesy Paola Villa, University of Colorado

Border Cave in South Africa was occupied by humans for tens of thousands of years.
By Stephanie Pappas

The late Stone Age may have had an earlier start in Africa than previously thought — by some 20,000 years.

A new analysis of artifacts from a cave in South Africa reveals that the residents were carving bone tools, using pigments, making beads and even using poison 44,000 years ago. These sorts of artifacts had previously been linked to the San culture, which was thought to have emerged around 20,000 years ago.

“Our research proves that the Later Stone Age emerged in South Africa far earlier than has been believed and occurred at about the same time as the arrival of modern humans in Europe,” study researcher Paola Villa, a curator at the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, said in a statement.

The Later Stone Age in Africa occurred at the same time as Europe’s Upper Paleolithic Period, when modern humans moved into Europe from Africa and met the Neanderthals about 45,000 years ago.

“(T)he differences in technology and culture between the two areas are very strong, showing the people of the two regions chose very different paths to the evolution of technology and society,” Villa said. [ 10 Mysteries of the First Humans ]

Image courtesy of Francesco d’Errico and Lucinda Backwell

Tools and beads found at Border Cave, South Africa, date back as far as 40,000 years.

Hints of culture
Traces of civilization have been found going back nearly 80,000 years in Africa, but these fragments — bone tools, carved beads — vanish from the archaeological record by about 60,000 years ago.

In fact, almost nothing is known about what happened in Southern Africa between 40,000 and 20,000 years ago, Villa and his colleagues wrote online Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This gap makes it hard to link middle-Stone Age societies to the ones that came later.

The researchers brought the latest in dating technology to bear on a site on the border of South Africa and Swaziland called Border Cave. They found that a number of the artifacts in the cave were much older than expected. [ See Amazing Cave Photos ]

Ostrich eggshell beads, sharp bone points likely used for arrowheads, and notched bones were among the fragments of life dating back thousands of years before the San were thought to have emerged. One long-bone tool is decorated with a spiral incision that was then filled with red-clay pigment. A set of warthog or pig tusks shows signs of grinding and scraping. Other bones are marked with notches, as if they were used to keep a tally of something.

The researchers also found beads, several apparently deliberately blackened by fire, one dating back more than 38,000 years. A piece of wood associated with a stone with a hole through it was dated to about 35,000 years ago. The tool appears to be an early digging stick of the sort used by the later San people to unearth roots and termite larvae.

Oldest poison
The researchers also dated a lump of beeswax mixed with toxic resin that was likely used to haft, or attach, stone points to the shafts of arrows or spears. The beeswax dates to about 35,000 years ago, making it the oldest known example of beeswax being used as a tool.

Finally, researchers dated a thin wooden stick scarred with perpendicular scratches. A chemical analysis revealed traces of ricinoleic acid, a natural poison found in castor beans. It’s likely that the stick was an applicator used to put poison on an arrow or spearheads, the archaeologists reported. At about 20,000 years old, the applicator marks the first use of poison ever discovered.

“The very thin bone points from the Later Stone Age at Border Cave are good evidence for bow and arrow use,” Villa said. “The work by d’Errico and colleagues (published alongside Villa’s group’s report in the same journal) shows that the points are very similar in width and thickness to the bone points produced by San culture that occupied the region in prehistoric times, whose people were known to use bows and arrows with poison-tipped bone points as a way to bring down medium and large-sized herbivores.”

The ancient dates help fill in a continuity gap of human civilization, said study researcher Lucinda Backwell, a researcher in palaeoanthropology at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa.

“The dating and analysis of archaeological material discovered at Border Cave in South Africa has allowed us to demonstrate that many elements of material culture that characterize the lifestyle of San hunter-gatherers in southern Africa were part of the culture and technology of the inhabitants of this site 44,000 years ago,” Backwell said.

It seems plausible that these technologies arose 50,000 to 60,000 years ago in Africa and later spread to Europe, Villa said.

source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48403738/ns/technology_and_science-science/#.UFceTUJRpT7


Pottery 20,000 years old found in a Chinese cave –

BEIJING (AP) – Pottery fragments found in a south China cave have been confirmed to be 20,000 years old, making them the oldest known pottery in the world, archaeologists say.

The findings, which will appear in the journal Science on Friday, add to recent efforts that have dated pottery piles in east Asia to more than 15,000 years ago, refuting conventional theories that the invention of pottery correlates to the period about 10,000 years ago when humans moved from being hunter-gathers to farmers.

The research by a team of Chinese and American scientists also pushes the emergence of pottery back to the last ice age, which might provide new explanations for the creation of pottery, said Gideon Shelach, chair of the Louis Frieberg Center for East Asian Studies at The Hebrew University in Israel.

“The focus of research has to change,” Shelach, who is not involved in the research project in China, said by telephone.

In an accompanying Science article, Shelach wrote that such research efforts “are fundamental for a better understanding of socio-economic change (25,000 to 19,000 years ago) and the development that led to the emergency of sedentary agricultural societies.”

He said the disconnection between pottery and agriculture as shown in east Asia might shed light on specifics of human development in the region.

Wu Xiaohong, professor of archaeology and museology at Peking University and the lead author of the Science article that details the radiocarbon dating efforts, told The Associated Press that her team was eager to build on the research.

“We are very excited about the findings. The paper is the result of efforts done by generations of scholars,” Wu said. “Now we can explore why there was pottery in that particular time, what were the uses of the vessels, and what role they played in the survival of human beings.”

The ancient fragments were discovered in the Xianrendong cave in south China’s Jiangxi province, which was excavated in the 1960s and again in the 1990s, according to the journal article.

Wu, a chemist by training, said some researchers had estimated that the pieces could be 20,000 years old, but that there were doubts.

“We thought it would be impossible because the conventional theory was that pottery was invented after the transition to agriculture that allowed for human settlement.”

But by 2009, the team — which includes experts from Harvard and Boston universities — was able to calculate the age of the pottery fragments with such precision that the scientists were comfortable with their findings, Wu said.

“The key was to ensure the samples we used to date were indeed from the same period of the pottery fragments,” she said.

That became possible when the team was able to determine the sediments in the cave were accumulated gradually without disruption that might have altered the time sequence, she said.

Scientists took samples, such as bones and charcoal, from above and below the ancient fragments in the dating process, Wu said.

“This way, we can determine with precision the age of the fragments, and our results can be recognized by peers,” Wu said.

Shelach said he found the process done by Wu’s team to be meticulous and that the cave had been well protected throughout the research.

The same team in 2009 published an article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in which they determined the pottery fragments found in south China’s Hunan province to be 18,000 years old, Wu said.

“The difference of 2,000 years might not be significant in itself, but we always like to trace everything to its earliest possible time,” Wu said. “The age and location of pottery fragments help us set up a framework to understand the dissemination of the artifacts and the development of human civilization.”


  1. Lemus
    September 15, 2013 at 5:31 am

    Human beings have exactly 100 million history, with several Stone Age (each after an catastrophe).

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